4. Ancient and modern texts

(V)ERKANNTE VIELFALT: MINDERHEITEN IN EUROPA: Ein Erasmus+ Projekt des Wittelsbacher-Gymnasiums München 2020-2023
(UN)RECOGNISED DIVERSITY: MINORITIES IN EUROPE: An Erasmus+ Project of the Wittelsbacher-Gymnasium Munich 2020-2023

At the end of November / beginning of December, Wittelsbacher-Gymnasium Munich hosted the 4th project meeting on „Minorities and fringe groups in the ancient world. And today?“. Presentations by multi-national teams of students and a lecture and a guided tour by Prof Freyberger on this topic were taken as a basis for short essays from the students from Munich. Together with an essay by Dr Adami and by the project lead, they form the first part of our catalogue booklet.

“Minorities and Socially Disadvantaged Groups in Ancient Times. And Today?” Meeting in Munich (30.11.2022 - 03.12.2022)
“Minorities and Socially Disadvantaged Groups in Ancient Times. And Today?” Meeting in Munich (30.11.2022 - 03.12.2022)

According to the initial plans, the Munich meeting on “Minorities and Socially Disadvantaged Groups in Ancient Times.

„Minorities in Europe“: The fifth (virtual) meeting (17.05.2021)
„Minorities in Europe“: The fifth (virtual) meeting (17.05.2021)

The last meeting in scholastic year 2020 / 21 took place on Monday, March 17; it lasted for maore than two hours.

The Netherlands participated with two presentations about the Friesians (quotations from ancient historians; one student interviewing her grandparents), then about slavery (in Rome, in Greece, in the Netherlands) and consequences of slavery in nowadays Netherlands, then in the same way also about homosexuality (in ancient Greece, in ancient Rome and in today’s Netherlands).

„(V)erkannte Vielfalt: Minderheiten in Europa“: Das zweite (virtuelle) Treffen (19.04.2021)
"Minorities in Europe“: The second (virtual) meeting (19.04.2021)

For the next meeting substantial time was needed. The group met again via Zoom in the afternoon of April 19, 2021, this time with considerably more participants.

„(V)erkannte Vielfalt: Minderheiten in Europa“: Der Beginn in Coronazeiten
"Minorities in Europe“: Begin in times of Corona (16.11.2020)

Corona was the reason that the 3rd Erasmus+ - project "Minorities in Europe“, eagerly adopted by all participants, could not begin with a face-to-face meeting at one of the participating schools: Plans had to be changed.

Un)recognized diversity: Minorities in Europe
Press article "Dolomiten" 11.01.2021 (in German)

Un)recognized diversity: Minorities in Europe.


Un)recognized diversity: Minorities in Europe.
